MY element..
I wipe away
The long day
the last drops
Of sweat..
Along with the
Kiddy pool..
And the bug spray..
I stand tall
under the tall
Red and orange..
The one
next to the huge oak
Brown and yellow
My hands ..palms up..
My face
facing the north..
For this breeze
With the old silver cork opener
I slowly...
Every pore in my body..
I inhale..deeply
And let it coarse through
Every vain...
Every cell and blood vessel..
Rush..over every muscle...
Entice..and caress..
My quickening heart..
You see...
The cold..just conceals..
A warmth..
Summer can never hope
To produce...
Like the cool silver wrapper..
Around a dark chocolate bar
and chminey smoke..
and hot chocolate..
and fashionable scarves..
and whisps of white breath
around me
With the leaves at my feet...
I’m in my element...
Labels: B
Ahhhh, I so miss that, living in Israel...
ohmygosh. what a treat!
i used to be one of you. really. the vigor of autumn--you have magically captured it! If i were still one of you i would be thrilled. but truth be known, i am not.
and i do protest about the comment citing summer as "falling" short in producing the warmth only autumn knows, or inspires!
for some reason, this year, fall is seen only as passage to winter. for some reason, i dread winter, more than ever, ever, ever, before.
but, i'm glad you are having fun, and in your...
didn't like the imagery of the cork opener...
but loved the rest
just had my first hot chocolate of the season last night...
i looove the fall.
can't wait to visit lakewood...
You almost have me convinced...
Almost....but not quite.
I miss the kiddy pool. even grabbed ME... everytime i visit this bloj, i forget how much i enjoy your writing. tx u
I suppose...
But there are so many things I miss..not living in israel
its not too late..
You can come back...
Your protest has been recorded and overuled..
join the club...
Lakewood gets nice...Not as nice as up in the mountains though..
How close are we...?
gee thanks
as in baad, saad, offense?:(
as in golly gee...1950s throwback...Happy exclamation
As always you've expressed yourself very eloquently. When the weather isn't wet I enjoy wrapping up and going for a brisk walk in the crisp air and coming back all rosy cheeked and then snuggling up with a hot chocolate and a good book, the perfect way to spend a cold, dark eve. I just wish I had the time!!
well golly gee! phew!
fajita, get a life
behind a smile...
ahhh thats wha I'm talkin abou
fajita...(with a life)..
goshdarnit thats just swell
maybe NOW i'll get a response...
well werent talking to me...were you now?
well it IS your blog ya know. you ought to respond to every dumb comment left here.
as well as to the intelligent ones..such as the ones i leave :)
but hey, u didn't chop liver me completely--u did sign fajita up for some 'life getting' classes, i see.
i thank u sincerely for that. captured it so well (except the corkscrew...I don't think I chapped that part.)
Somehow when I try to explain this feeling to people, they don't quite get it...
I wonder how people can find winter depressing...
chavele aka chopped liver...
Please consider this then a response to your last comment..
You and Fajita seem to have something goin there..
corner point...
not sure about the corksrew just liked the imagery..
I agree,,,winter is so exhilerating..
thumbs up!
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