9/11 what I saw
as summer gets blown away..
..gently by the cooler winds approach
it's time to climb up to the musty attic..
..with trunks and other summer gear
up there in the oppressive attic...
......a bag catches my eye
in it were the newspapers and magazines...
of that fateful month of...september 2001
I sat on the hard floor..holding
the crumbling papers...ITS WAR cried one
AMERICA AT WAR cried another...
...instinctive need for control
in an uncontrollably grievous reality
and then
I saw them again....
...those faces I knew by heart
the ones that haunted me
for...oh so long
...and I hear those voices again
those last desperate phone calls
....from those suddenly terrifying
traps of modernity
...the tears..the fluttering papers
oh the nightmare of it all
...the perfect storm of horrors
I cannot look at an image of the
....twin towers towers anymore
without seeing a hulking
...gRey nigHtmare
like a burning hindenburg
without seeing those poor souls
...hanging out of those oppressive
unending steel bars..
........that verticle nightmare
..the smoke...stills chokes me
the tears still sting
...10 years later
...this is what my lens recorded
on the new jersey turnpike

as summer gets blown away..
..gently by the cooler winds approach
it's time to climb up to the musty attic..
..with trunks and other summer gear
up there in the oppressive attic...
......a bag catches my eye
in it were the newspapers and magazines...
of that fateful month of...september 2001
I sat on the hard floor..holding
the crumbling papers...ITS WAR cried one
AMERICA AT WAR cried another...
...instinctive need for control
in an uncontrollably grievous reality
and then
I saw them again....
...those faces I knew by heart
the ones that haunted me
for...oh so long
...and I hear those voices again
those last desperate phone calls
....from those suddenly terrifying
traps of modernity
...the tears..the fluttering papers
oh the nightmare of it all
...the perfect storm of horrors
I cannot look at an image of the
....twin towers towers anymore
without seeing a hulking
...gRey nigHtmare
like a burning hindenburg
without seeing those poor souls
...hanging out of those oppressive
unending steel bars..
........that verticle nightmare
..the smoke...stills chokes me
the tears still sting
...10 years later
...this is what my lens recorded
on the new jersey turnpike

Those are incredible pictures
wow. that's intense.
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