Tuesday, April 06, 2010

reconstructed humanity

....when I turned that doorknob
and entered...
a world of pain

.....a world of hope
the words I heard that cold night..
the knowledge injected...
such intimate knowledge
.......of the human spirit
knowledge that can come only by
first squashing it to death...
then reconstructing it...

it put to shame..any discourse..I had ever heard..
When the mashgiach..with a scar filled face...
...hardened eyes that have seen it all
.....begins his shmuz with
Hello my name is John and I'm a drug addict..*

(and is enveloped by the
.... kind of unjudgemental love
..........that those like him can offer)
your hair Stands on the back of your Neck..
and the lump in your throat won't go away..
you just want to hug these people..
and hope to one day attain that kinda honesty..
and connect with your own higher power..
with your own humanity..
even if it means
.....squashing it to death first

thank you john

*..never mind




Anonymous eve said...

very beautiful

and very powerful

but though you might not have that honesty and connection as of yet, pray G-d you never have to squash any of your own to attain it.

November 11, 2010 7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


August 20, 2012 11:32 AM  

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