Monday, September 24, 2012

Double Faith

We stand before the king with our requests and needs.
Please give us health...
And sustenance.
And life...
Our chances our pretty good.

But then we need to ruin it by saying...
Oh god not just for us but for my entire village...nah for the entire nation of Israel.
What kind of idiot does that?
What are the chances of that happening?
When was the last time a full year when by and EVERYONE had life, health and sustenance?
And yet we don't look at that...we have faith that this might just be that year...

God looks down at us asking for forgiveness.
He must wonder.
Gee this sounds familiar.
Didn't you promise me the same things last year?
When was the last time a year went by without you dirtying yourself with the same sins.
And yet He doesn't look at that.
V'chol Ma'aminim SheHu Eil Emunah. God has faith...that perhaps this might just be the year.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

The terror of Din

The reason why we are so calm and collected on the Day of Judgement is because as opposed to regular court cases where the judgement is in the hands of a judge or jury on Rosh Hashana we are in our own hands. We are defendant but we are also prosecutor and essentially we are judge and jury as well. It's entirely in our hands.
So why is it do terrifying?
That's precisely what makes it so terrifying.
Change is such a small thing but you have to REALLY want it.

The fact that we might miss out on this little thing called change and the underlying premise that we don't really want it enough.....that's the terror of these days.

Friday, September 07, 2012

an orphan gets no closure

Hiding in the closet..
.....hands over ears
running from my fears
Of early years
Why have you come back?
Does you lie miss mine?
And you...
Why must I now coddle the confused
and exhausted Monster that abused
Me all those years...

An orphan gets no closure
....when his parents are
Still alive