Free at last...
Al cheit
Al cheit
Al cheit
Again and again
Why the need
To repeat?
How many of us sin between shacharis and mussaf?
And then
Between mussaf and mincha..?
I think there’s something deeper hidden there..
One of the worst aspects of we lose sight of our greatness..
We sin against our potential...and every time we fall
Our true selves..our self worth and esteem fall
And fall prisoner to this new lower thinking you..
And so..we’re given a day...
That’s not really a day
In that the yetzer hora is told to take the day off
And we put our body on standby...
And grow
And connect
And as the day goes on..and we disconnect from our bodies
From our earthly needs
And become angelic
We slowly regain this
For what we can be..
And this inspires us to go back
And confess all over again
As we gain access to our soul..
Our soul imprisoned in this body..
We gain a greater appreciation
Of the damage we’ve caused
And so we feel the need to atone
For this new you that you’ve kept imprisoned
Al cheit
Al cheit
Once again..
Until we reach the a point..when we’re just exhausted
And hungry..
We have no more strength
To bang out another
Al cheit
The only thing left to do
Dance..with all our strength..
Because there’s no joy like the joy of a prisoner let free
Have an easy and meaningful fast...